Local, family-run, independent locksmiths
Public Liability Insurance
5* Rated on Google
10+ years of experience
Small, local business
Female Locksmith
Competitive Rates
Female Lcoksmith in Exmouth and Devon
It seems to be an unusual profession for a woman, but we are lucky enough to have a female locksmith available for both scheduled appointments and emergency call-outs.
It often surprises customers when she arrives – they’re expecting an oil-coated man with a pencil behind one ear 🙂 🙂 But customers rave about her and she can easily match any male locksmith we’ve met in terms of knowledge, talent and experience!
Ask her what the difference is between her and a male locksmith and she’ll tell you:
“I tidy up afterwards!” 🙂 🙂
On a more serious note, having a female locksmith can offer some additional benefits:
Customer Comfort and Trust:
Some customers, especially those who may be vulnerable or uncomfortable with strangers in their homes, may feel more at ease with a female locksmith. Trust is crucial in locksmith services, and having a female locksmith can enhance that trust.
Empathy and Communication:
Our female locksmith explains things exceptionally clearly and is great at addressing customer concerns and exploring all options to find the best choice for your unique situation. She is especially popular with customers, who find her approach reassuring.
Addressing Gender-Specific Needs:
In some situations, especially when dealing with female clients or in sensitive environments, having a female locksmith may be more appropriate and comfortable.
Enhanced Customer Service:
Our female provides attentive and patient customer service, which is valuable in all situations and especially where customers feel stressed or anxious about security issues.
get in touch
Contact us for a free quote.
email: info@thelockmonkey.co.uk
tel: 07950 148 390
Masey Road, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 4AR

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